July 11, 2011

For the Health of Your Computer

No one likes to be sick… neither does your computer!

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies healthy but do you ever think about how important it is to keep your computer healthy. We constantly remember to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves from illness but we often forget that our computers can get viruses too.

It is important to take the proper steps to protecting your computer to ensure it has a long life. (after all you paid good money for this computer) If you plan on keeping your computer in good shape it is essential to install anti-virus software on your computer. Anti-virus software helps protect you from bugs, viruses and other nasty infections your computer can get.
There are countless types, brands and versions of anti-virus; it is necessary to install one that matches your needs. Some of the top available anti-virus programs are: McAfee, Symantec, Vipre, Norton, AVG, BitDefender, Avira and Kasperky. Be sure to research several different ones to figure out which one fits you best.

The anti-virus software will protect your computer from threats while you are browsing the Internet. It will also, protect you from potential dangers through your e-mail account. The anti-virus blocks most viruses and bugs but it is important to set up a regular scan for your computer. A regular scan will sweep your computer to identify and clean up anything that somehow made it onto your computer.

In amongst your healthy living remember to keep your computer healthy too!!!

*Poka Lambro does not endorse any of the Web sites or products listed above. Sites listed are for entertainment and/or informational purposes only.