August 8, 2011

presenting ... e-bill

Hey guys, Poka Lambro has added e-bill to help our customers! E-bill is an easy convenient way to manage and pay your bill online – without the hassle of writing a check, finding a stamp, and then getting the bill to the post office on time. So go sign up for e-billing and become a paperless customer to help cut back on the mounds of paper bills you see every month… (of course you can keep getting your paper bill in the mail and just pay online...)
Now some details about e-bill and how to sign up.

-What is E-bill & how does it work?

E-bill provides you with an easy way to view and pay your Poka Lambro bill online. You can go totally paperless if you choose and instead of receiving your bill via U.S. Mail, we will send you an e-mail notification when your bill is available online. You can simply click the link in the e-mail you receive, sign in to your account, and you’re ready to view and pay your bill. Or you can click the E-bill link on our website or go to any time to view or pay your bill.

-How much does it cost?
Using E-bill is absolutely free. In fact, by paying your bill online you will save the cost of a stamp each month and avoid the hassle of writing a check.
-How do I sign up?
Getting started is easy! Grab a copy of your telephone bill and go to to get registered. Click the E-bill link at the top of the page. You’ll be taken to the E-bill screen. Click “User Registration”. You’ll be taken to a screen where you will be prompted to enter the following:

Your e-mail address

Password (You’ll create an E-bill password to use for future log-ins to your E-bill account) (passwords are case sensitive)

Your account number (printed at the top, right-hand corner of your Poka Lambro bill)

Your telephone number (service i.d.)

Your security password (if you haven’t created a security password, contact our office at 800-422-2387 (passwords are case sensitive)

After you’ve entered and submitted all of the above info, you’re registered! It’s as simple as that!
-Will my paper bill still be mailed to me?
If you have elected to go paperless and checked the box to “stop receiving a paper bill” - you will no longer receive paper bills. If you ever need a paper copy, you can easily print one from the online billing site.
-How will I know when I have a new bill?
You will receive an e-mail notification that a new bill is available.

-How do I pay my bill online?
The E-bill service enables you to easily pay your bill online with a major credit card or debit card.

-Is my credit/debit card information safe?
Absolutely. Your information is protected with a high level of encryption. Your credit/debit card information cannot be accessed or viewed by our staff. You can be assured that your information is safe.

-Will my bill look the same online?
Your online bill will be an exact replica of the bill you are accustomed to receiving in the mail.

July 11, 2011

For the Health of Your Computer

No one likes to be sick… neither does your computer!

We all know how important it is to keep our bodies healthy but do you ever think about how important it is to keep your computer healthy. We constantly remember to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves from illness but we often forget that our computers can get viruses too.

It is important to take the proper steps to protecting your computer to ensure it has a long life. (after all you paid good money for this computer) If you plan on keeping your computer in good shape it is essential to install anti-virus software on your computer. Anti-virus software helps protect you from bugs, viruses and other nasty infections your computer can get.
There are countless types, brands and versions of anti-virus; it is necessary to install one that matches your needs. Some of the top available anti-virus programs are: McAfee, Symantec, Vipre, Norton, AVG, BitDefender, Avira and Kasperky. Be sure to research several different ones to figure out which one fits you best.

The anti-virus software will protect your computer from threats while you are browsing the Internet. It will also, protect you from potential dangers through your e-mail account. The anti-virus blocks most viruses and bugs but it is important to set up a regular scan for your computer. A regular scan will sweep your computer to identify and clean up anything that somehow made it onto your computer.

In amongst your healthy living remember to keep your computer healthy too!!!

*Poka Lambro does not endorse any of the Web sites or products listed above. Sites listed are for entertainment and/or informational purposes only.

May 27, 2011

The Value of a Land Line...

I constantly wondered what I would do if I ever lost or broke my cell phone. I mean it is like my left hand – I don’t know that I could function without it. What would I do without my main form of communication? How would I talk to anyone, or make dinner plans, find out where the latest event is, talk to my friends or anyone… oh no! I will be shut off from the world.

EXCEPT, there is always another option and a good one to have on hand – a Land Line. Yep, the old fashioned type of phone that doesn’t fit in your pocket and has actual dial tone. A land line will always be there to call your family, friends, boss, 911 (let’s hope you don’t have to), or even the pizza guy. A land line is a secure way to know that you will always have a way to contact anyone. It is always connected and available for use.  

Haven’t you heard it is a good idea to have a backup plan? It is good to have a phone line available in case cell towers go down or the electricity goes out and your cell phone battery dies.

Land lines are tied to your physical address so if you do have to call 911 and somehow get disconnected they will know where you are and can come check it out to make sure you are safe. Cell phones don’t work quite that way.

Just keep in mind the idea of having a solid back up communications plan. Let us know if there is any way we can help illuminate the importance of a backup plan. 

May 17, 2011

Presenting ... the Boxee Box

Hey Guys!
We just want to share with you some info about a great new product we are offering. It’s called …. The Boxee Box!
“What is a Boxee Box?” you wonder… well it is the newest greatest thing to happen to your television. It brings internet to your TV!!! You can check your e-mail or Facebook, browse the web, and watch online videos or movies all from the comfort of your couch! Do you want to sit in front of the monitor to watch all your favorite shows online? No. Well then, this allows you to stream movies and TV shows from the Internet, Netflix and Vudu.

“Ok, Cool.” you say… well here is something else fantastic about it – when you get a Boxee you will never be behind the technology times again. The box automatically updates and keeps you with the latest version of everything. This eliminates the need to continually go buy new equipment every 10 months when the next version comes out! Plus, the Boxee box is preloaded with TONS of great apps for a variety of entertainment.

“Sweet!”, but what else can it do… Boxee also lets you turn your TV into a digital photo frame, listen to Pandora, get instant weather updates, and share with your friends what you are watching. The Boxee box remote has a full keyboard on the back of it to make your browsing that much easier. If you want something a little bigger – you can always plug in a wireless keyboard and mouse to use with the Boxee box. 


Oh and there is no monthly fee from Boxee!!! (however, we should mention that some of the premium apps require a fee.)

So now that you have read all about the Boxee Box - don’t you want to see what it is like to surf the internet from your TV. Don’t worry we have a demo set up in the Post store (115 W Main St). If you don’t live close to Post, don’t worry the Boxee will be coming to a Poka Lambro store near you soon! Have questions call us – 800-422-2387, e-mail us, Facebook us, tweet us, comment on the blog, stop by a store, any form of communication will work- just let us know how we can help you enjoy your TV even more!!!

At last - internet freedom from the couch!

May 9, 2011

Happy Summertime!!!

Summer – (suhm-er) n;
     1. The period comprising the months of June, July, and August in the U.S., and from the middle of May to the Middle of August in Great Britain.
     2. A period of hot, usually sunny weather.

Summer doesn’t technically start until June but around here it definitely gets hot in May. Since summer is just around the corner aka pretty much here I thought I would give you a list of fun summer activities. With no school and lots of sunshine you should be able to get outside and have lots of fun.

Here are some random ideas to keep your summer fun and entertaining. – remember always make sure it is ok with your parents before you do any of these things.

1. Go to the Pool.
2. Join/Help with a summer enrichment program.
3. Make homemade ice cream.
4. Have a water gun/balloon fight.
5. Watch/play in a baseball game.
6. Set up a lemonade stand.
7. Fly a kite.
8. Have a picnic.
9. Learn a new skill – how to sew, mow, woodwork, knit…
10. Build a time capsule.

Let us know how it goes… Happy Summer!

April 26, 2011

Job Shadow - Guest Editor

Tahoka ISD senior, Skyler McCleskey spent the day with Poka Lambro's PR/Marketing department as a part of her Senior Job Shadow day. She wrote a fantastic blog for us... check it out!!! 

               My name is Skyler McCleskey and I am a senior at Tahoka High School. Today, I had the privilege to Job Shadow Amy Preston and Brenda Gillespie at Poka Lambro. While spending the day there I had the opportunity to observe and experience hands-on learning. I plan on majoring in Mass Communications at Texas Tech University; after graduation I want to pursue a career in Public Relations.
Amy and Brenda are great mentors they taught me a lot about the career they do every day. They gave me great insight into the Public Relations world; sharing the knowledge and skills they have picked up over the years. Participating in this job shadow day has made my decision on what I want to do in the future that much easier.
               I couldn’t have asked for better mentors. The two I had were great! I would recommend them to future job shadowies. They are fun and outgoing people; they made me feel very welcomed. I can only hope for future employers as wonderful as these two!            

We enjoyed sharing our day with Skyler! Good luck Seniors 2011! 

April 22, 2011

Contest Winners!!!

It has been a rough week trying to pick between all of the awesome entries from our contests. But….
Our Easter video winner is here!!! Click HERE to watch the video about the Easter Bunny.
Macy Sharp, Kameron Riddle and Alexi Bushong, Klondike 5th graders, created a fantastic video about the Easter Bunny.

Local youth were challenged with creating a video about the Easter Bunny and including all of these things in the video: Poka Lambro’s logo, Easter eggs, the Easter bunny, and one of Poka Lambro’s services (phone, internet or security). Alexi, Kameron and Macy worked hard to make a video that had all of these things and was very creative. For their hard work and excellent cinematography they got a “Happy Easter” cake from Poka Lambro.
We definitely have some talented kids around our area.
You can see the creativity in our Easter coloring contest too! We distributed coloring sheets to Pre-K through 4th graders (this was split into two age categories Pre-K through 1st and 2nd through 4th) and we received almost 400 entries. This made judging extremely difficult since there were SO many excellent entries. The kids worked very hard to create the most unique Easter bunny and egg.
Our Pre-K through 1st grade winner is: Jezreel Levario from Post!!
Our 2nd through 4th grade winner is: Dezire Levario from Post!
We have several Honorable Mentions – Check out their pictures and names by clicking READ MORE! 

April 11, 2011


Poka Lambro is starting our very own blog!!! Yup here to update you on cool new service information, happenings of the world, local activities and an abundance of random information.

A little bit about us: Our headquarters are located on Highway 87 about 11.5 miles north of Tahoka. We have stores in Post, Tahoka, Lamesa and Seagraves. Poka Lambro reaches many directions. We provide telephone service (yes the landline kind, like long distance and local calling). Our other talents include providing internet service, security service, and we are an authorized AT&T retailer (need a new smartphone? Come visit one of our stores). We cover about 4,000 square miles out here in West Texas.

Currently we are sponsoring a couple of contests for the youth of our area.
We have a video contest going on for ages 10 – 18. All you have to do is make a video about the Easter Bunny and include a list of specific items, upload the video to YouTube and e-mail the link to me ( Winners will be featured on our Web site, Facebook page and here. The winner will also receive a cake party and honorable mention will get a cookie party. (there are two age groups)

We are also having a coloring contest for ages 4 – 9. If you need a coloring sheet e-mail me ( They need to be turned in by April 18, 2011 to your nearest Poka Lambro store.

So be sure to check back to see the results of these contests and learn more about future contests.

Poka Lambro wants tons of feedback from you about what you want to know more about and what is going on in your community. – Let us know what you think…

BTW fan us on facebook and follow us on twitter

April 4, 2011


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