April 26, 2011

Job Shadow - Guest Editor

Tahoka ISD senior, Skyler McCleskey spent the day with Poka Lambro's PR/Marketing department as a part of her Senior Job Shadow day. She wrote a fantastic blog for us... check it out!!! 

               My name is Skyler McCleskey and I am a senior at Tahoka High School. Today, I had the privilege to Job Shadow Amy Preston and Brenda Gillespie at Poka Lambro. While spending the day there I had the opportunity to observe and experience hands-on learning. I plan on majoring in Mass Communications at Texas Tech University; after graduation I want to pursue a career in Public Relations.
Amy and Brenda are great mentors they taught me a lot about the career they do every day. They gave me great insight into the Public Relations world; sharing the knowledge and skills they have picked up over the years. Participating in this job shadow day has made my decision on what I want to do in the future that much easier.
               I couldn’t have asked for better mentors. The two I had were great! I would recommend them to future job shadowies. They are fun and outgoing people; they made me feel very welcomed. I can only hope for future employers as wonderful as these two!            

We enjoyed sharing our day with Skyler! Good luck Seniors 2011! 

April 22, 2011

Contest Winners!!!

It has been a rough week trying to pick between all of the awesome entries from our contests. But….
Our Easter video winner is here!!! Click HERE to watch the video about the Easter Bunny.
Macy Sharp, Kameron Riddle and Alexi Bushong, Klondike 5th graders, created a fantastic video about the Easter Bunny.

Local youth were challenged with creating a video about the Easter Bunny and including all of these things in the video: Poka Lambro’s logo, Easter eggs, the Easter bunny, and one of Poka Lambro’s services (phone, internet or security). Alexi, Kameron and Macy worked hard to make a video that had all of these things and was very creative. For their hard work and excellent cinematography they got a “Happy Easter” cake from Poka Lambro.
We definitely have some talented kids around our area.
You can see the creativity in our Easter coloring contest too! We distributed coloring sheets to Pre-K through 4th graders (this was split into two age categories Pre-K through 1st and 2nd through 4th) and we received almost 400 entries. This made judging extremely difficult since there were SO many excellent entries. The kids worked very hard to create the most unique Easter bunny and egg.
Our Pre-K through 1st grade winner is: Jezreel Levario from Post!!
Our 2nd through 4th grade winner is: Dezire Levario from Post!
We have several Honorable Mentions – Check out their pictures and names by clicking READ MORE! 

April 11, 2011


Poka Lambro is starting our very own blog!!! Yup here to update you on cool new service information, happenings of the world, local activities and an abundance of random information.

A little bit about us: Our headquarters are located on Highway 87 about 11.5 miles north of Tahoka. We have stores in Post, Tahoka, Lamesa and Seagraves. Poka Lambro reaches many directions. We provide telephone service (yes the landline kind, like long distance and local calling). Our other talents include providing internet service, security service, and we are an authorized AT&T retailer (need a new smartphone? Come visit one of our stores). We cover about 4,000 square miles out here in West Texas.

Currently we are sponsoring a couple of contests for the youth of our area.
We have a video contest going on for ages 10 – 18. All you have to do is make a video about the Easter Bunny and include a list of specific items, upload the video to YouTube and e-mail the link to me (bgillespie@poka.com). Winners will be featured on our Web site, Facebook page and here. The winner will also receive a cake party and honorable mention will get a cookie party. (there are two age groups)

We are also having a coloring contest for ages 4 – 9. If you need a coloring sheet e-mail me (bgillespie@poka.com). They need to be turned in by April 18, 2011 to your nearest Poka Lambro store.

So be sure to check back to see the results of these contests and learn more about future contests.

Poka Lambro wants tons of feedback from you about what you want to know more about and what is going on in your community. – Let us know what you think…

BTW fan us on facebook and follow us on twitter

April 4, 2011


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