May 27, 2011

The Value of a Land Line...

I constantly wondered what I would do if I ever lost or broke my cell phone. I mean it is like my left hand – I don’t know that I could function without it. What would I do without my main form of communication? How would I talk to anyone, or make dinner plans, find out where the latest event is, talk to my friends or anyone… oh no! I will be shut off from the world.

EXCEPT, there is always another option and a good one to have on hand – a Land Line. Yep, the old fashioned type of phone that doesn’t fit in your pocket and has actual dial tone. A land line will always be there to call your family, friends, boss, 911 (let’s hope you don’t have to), or even the pizza guy. A land line is a secure way to know that you will always have a way to contact anyone. It is always connected and available for use.  

Haven’t you heard it is a good idea to have a backup plan? It is good to have a phone line available in case cell towers go down or the electricity goes out and your cell phone battery dies.

Land lines are tied to your physical address so if you do have to call 911 and somehow get disconnected they will know where you are and can come check it out to make sure you are safe. Cell phones don’t work quite that way.

Just keep in mind the idea of having a solid back up communications plan. Let us know if there is any way we can help illuminate the importance of a backup plan. 

May 17, 2011

Presenting ... the Boxee Box

Hey Guys!
We just want to share with you some info about a great new product we are offering. It’s called …. The Boxee Box!
“What is a Boxee Box?” you wonder… well it is the newest greatest thing to happen to your television. It brings internet to your TV!!! You can check your e-mail or Facebook, browse the web, and watch online videos or movies all from the comfort of your couch! Do you want to sit in front of the monitor to watch all your favorite shows online? No. Well then, this allows you to stream movies and TV shows from the Internet, Netflix and Vudu.

“Ok, Cool.” you say… well here is something else fantastic about it – when you get a Boxee you will never be behind the technology times again. The box automatically updates and keeps you with the latest version of everything. This eliminates the need to continually go buy new equipment every 10 months when the next version comes out! Plus, the Boxee box is preloaded with TONS of great apps for a variety of entertainment.

“Sweet!”, but what else can it do… Boxee also lets you turn your TV into a digital photo frame, listen to Pandora, get instant weather updates, and share with your friends what you are watching. The Boxee box remote has a full keyboard on the back of it to make your browsing that much easier. If you want something a little bigger – you can always plug in a wireless keyboard and mouse to use with the Boxee box. 


Oh and there is no monthly fee from Boxee!!! (however, we should mention that some of the premium apps require a fee.)

So now that you have read all about the Boxee Box - don’t you want to see what it is like to surf the internet from your TV. Don’t worry we have a demo set up in the Post store (115 W Main St). If you don’t live close to Post, don’t worry the Boxee will be coming to a Poka Lambro store near you soon! Have questions call us – 800-422-2387, e-mail us, Facebook us, tweet us, comment on the blog, stop by a store, any form of communication will work- just let us know how we can help you enjoy your TV even more!!!

At last - internet freedom from the couch!

May 9, 2011

Happy Summertime!!!

Summer – (suhm-er) n;
     1. The period comprising the months of June, July, and August in the U.S., and from the middle of May to the Middle of August in Great Britain.
     2. A period of hot, usually sunny weather.

Summer doesn’t technically start until June but around here it definitely gets hot in May. Since summer is just around the corner aka pretty much here I thought I would give you a list of fun summer activities. With no school and lots of sunshine you should be able to get outside and have lots of fun.

Here are some random ideas to keep your summer fun and entertaining. – remember always make sure it is ok with your parents before you do any of these things.

1. Go to the Pool.
2. Join/Help with a summer enrichment program.
3. Make homemade ice cream.
4. Have a water gun/balloon fight.
5. Watch/play in a baseball game.
6. Set up a lemonade stand.
7. Fly a kite.
8. Have a picnic.
9. Learn a new skill – how to sew, mow, woodwork, knit…
10. Build a time capsule.

Let us know how it goes… Happy Summer!