May 27, 2011

The Value of a Land Line...

I constantly wondered what I would do if I ever lost or broke my cell phone. I mean it is like my left hand – I don’t know that I could function without it. What would I do without my main form of communication? How would I talk to anyone, or make dinner plans, find out where the latest event is, talk to my friends or anyone… oh no! I will be shut off from the world.

EXCEPT, there is always another option and a good one to have on hand – a Land Line. Yep, the old fashioned type of phone that doesn’t fit in your pocket and has actual dial tone. A land line will always be there to call your family, friends, boss, 911 (let’s hope you don’t have to), or even the pizza guy. A land line is a secure way to know that you will always have a way to contact anyone. It is always connected and available for use.  

Haven’t you heard it is a good idea to have a backup plan? It is good to have a phone line available in case cell towers go down or the electricity goes out and your cell phone battery dies.

Land lines are tied to your physical address so if you do have to call 911 and somehow get disconnected they will know where you are and can come check it out to make sure you are safe. Cell phones don’t work quite that way.

Just keep in mind the idea of having a solid back up communications plan. Let us know if there is any way we can help illuminate the importance of a backup plan. 

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