May 9, 2011

Happy Summertime!!!

Summer – (suhm-er) n;
     1. The period comprising the months of June, July, and August in the U.S., and from the middle of May to the Middle of August in Great Britain.
     2. A period of hot, usually sunny weather.

Summer doesn’t technically start until June but around here it definitely gets hot in May. Since summer is just around the corner aka pretty much here I thought I would give you a list of fun summer activities. With no school and lots of sunshine you should be able to get outside and have lots of fun.

Here are some random ideas to keep your summer fun and entertaining. – remember always make sure it is ok with your parents before you do any of these things.

1. Go to the Pool.
2. Join/Help with a summer enrichment program.
3. Make homemade ice cream.
4. Have a water gun/balloon fight.
5. Watch/play in a baseball game.
6. Set up a lemonade stand.
7. Fly a kite.
8. Have a picnic.
9. Learn a new skill – how to sew, mow, woodwork, knit…
10. Build a time capsule.

Let us know how it goes… Happy Summer!

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